In "Servant" Season 3 on Apple TV+, the Turner household becomes a breeding ground for escalating tension and supernatural turmoil. As the aftermath of past events looms large, Leanne Grayson's mysterious past takes center stage, blurring the lines between reality and the paranormal. New characters with hidden agendas emerge, challenging the Turners' fragile stability, while Julian Pearce's relentless pursuit of family secrets unveils shocking connections. The eerie dollhouse and the enigmatic cult play pivotal roles, propelling the narrative into a gripping climax. In a relentless quest for truth, the Turners must confront their deepest fears and make unimaginable sacrifices, as "Servant" Season 3 unfolds as a harrowing blend of suspense, horror, and psychological thrills, pushing both characters and viewers to question the very fabric of reality.
Locations Assistant - Matt Canon