"Servant" is a psychological thriller television series created by Tony Basgallop and executive produced by M. Night Shyamalan. Season 1 introduces the Turner family, who hire a mysterious young nanny, Leanne Grayson, to care for their baby, Jericho. The twist unfolds as it becomes apparent that Jericho is not a real baby but a lifelike doll, used by the grieving mother, Dorothy, to cope with the loss of her son. The enigmatic Leanne brings a series of unsettling events into the Turner household, blurring the lines between reality and the supernatural. As the family grapples with dark secrets and the peculiar nature of Leanne's presence, the series builds suspense and mystery, leaving viewers questioning the true nature of the characters and the eerie occurrences in the Turner home. "Servant" weaves a chilling narrative, exploring themes of grief, deception, and the thin veil between the seen and the unseen.
Locations Assistant - Matt Canon