"Weight of Death | Episode 1 | The Story of Dominique Oglesby" delves into the tragic fate of a promising Penn State student whose life was abruptly cut short by gun violence. The premiere episode unfolds the events surrounding the fatal shooting at the Galaxy West Bar & Grill in West Philadelphia, where 23-year-old Dominique Oglesby lost her life in a triple shooting. An altercation between Oglesby and another female escalated into a chaotic melee, spilling from the bar to the streets. In a harrowing turn of events, someone associated with Oglesby's opponent pulled a gun, resulting in Dominique being shot in the back. Rushed to Penn Presbyterian Hospital, she was pronounced dead that Sunday evening. The docuseries explores the aftermath, highlighting the profound grief of her family. In a heart-wrenching narrative thread, the documentary provides a detailed, step-by-step account of what Dominique's mother, Danielle Oglesby, went through on the day she learned about her daughter's tragic murder. Viewers are immersed in the emotional journey, shedding light on the complex circumstances surrounding Dominique Oglesby's untimely demise. As the series unfolds, it delves into the impact of gun violence on communities and families, aiming to spark a broader conversation about its consequences and the urgent need for change. Through Danielle's perspective, the documentary seeks to humanize the devastating statistics and foster empathy for those affected by such senseless acts of violence.
Production Company - Da Media Gods LLC.
Executive Producer - Anton Moore
Producer - Matthew Orsini ‘Matt Canon’
Producer - Jaime Borras ‘Program’
Music Score - Stephen Borras ‘Essii’
Narrator - Michael Ta’Bon ‘OG Law’
Music By:
[Meek Mill - “Trauma”]
[Meek Mill - “Traumatized”]
[P-Shaw x OG Law - “Weight Of Death”]
Audio Mixer - Wade Vantrease
Graphics - Abimael Acevedo ‘Algare Artz’
Meek Mill - Hip Hop Artist
Dawud Bey - Activist
Blanche Carney - Police. Commisioner
Larry Krasner - District Attorney
Shondell Revell - Office Of Violence Prevention
Odess Blocker - Youth Advocate
Erica Harris - Emergency Physician
Kourtney Drayton - Gun Violence Victim
Corian Wells - Gun Violence Victim
Jalen Linder - Gun Violence Victim
Carl Washington
Wayne Covington
Jurrell White
Jerome Tucker
Special Thanks:
Tumar Alexander
Desiree Peterkin Bell
Fred Clarkson
Chase Lenfest
Anthony Williams
Kenyatta Johnson
Cherelle Parker
Daily Dove Care
Bad Boy Ent.
Revolt TV
Office of Violence Prevention
National L.O.V.E. T.E.A.M.
Soul Food CDC