Philadelphia, PA - "Weight of Death: The Story of Tynirah Borum," a compelling and thought-provoking documentary, has shed light on the devastating impact of gun violence through the tragic tale of three-year-old Tynirah Borum. Directed, produced, filmed, and edited by Matt Canon and Jaime Borras from Da Media Gods LLC, this gripping film unravels the heart-wrenching events surrounding Tynirah's untimely death from a stray bullet. The documentary meticulously reconstructs the harrowing day, immersing viewers in the haunting reality faced by countless families affected by gun violence. It takes the audience on a journey, revealing the profound ripple effects that a single act of violence can have on an entire community. Through powerful storytelling and compelling visuals, "Weight of Death" confronts the viewer with the raw emotions and lasting trauma experienced by those impacted by such tragedies.
Production Company - Da Media Gods LLC.
Executive Producer - Anton Moore
Producer - Matthew Orsini ‘Matt Canon’
Producer - Jaime Borras ‘Program’
Music Score - Stephen Borras ‘Essii’
Narrator - Michael Ta’Bon ‘OG Law’
Music by - Drama B2R - “Weight of Death” (Prod. by Essii)
Audio Mixer - Wade Vantrease
Graphics - Abimael Acevedo ‘Algare Artz’
Black Thought - Hip Hop Artist
Diamond Kuts - DJ / Music Producer
Bob Casey - US Senator of Pennsylvania
Charles Ramsey - Former Police Commissioner
Escamillio Jones - Funeral Director
Ikey Raw - Activist
Kier Grey - Former Chief Public Defender
Michael Nutter - Former Mayor of Philadelphia
Jesse Walker - Gun Violence Victim
Special Thanks:
Tumar Alexander
Desiree Peterkin Bell
Fred Clarkson
Chase Lenfest
Anthony Williams
Kenyatta Johnson
Cherelle Parker
Daily Dove Care
Bad Boy Ent.
Revolt TV
Office of Violence Prevention
National L.O.V.E. T.E.A.M.
Soul Food CDC